Michael Horvath

The Art of :

17" x 33" x 6.5"


Looking to expand its long range attack capability, the Texas Navy decided to test the notion of using airships. Purchased from Germany, the Hogg started out a huge success. It performed several surprise raids on a number of Mexican coastal towns and sunk several French warships in a number of locations in the Caribbean. However, the Hogg's most notable battle was the Port O'Conner "Pigeon Shoot" where its planes shot down 144 French planes and sunk 6 French warships. It was after this battle that the Texas Navy learned why airships did not have a greater  presence in the world's militaries. The Hogg was returning home to Galveston when it was caught in a storm. No one has seen or heard from the airship since.

T.N.S. James Stephen Hogg