Michael Horvath
The Art of :
20" x 23" x 7"
The T.N.S. Virginia was built by the Texas Navy to complement and surpass the capabilities of the T.N.S. Savannah. The moment the ship was added to the line it made a statement. Not more than 5 days into it’s maiden voyage as a Ship of the Line, the Virginia was confronted by the Cayman Fleet looking to make a statement against what they believed to be an inferior adversary since from what they could see was that the Virginia only had 12 cannons versus the 104 cannons on each of the 8 ships in the Cayman Navy. What the Cayman Navy did not know was that the cannons on the Virginia were 20” cannons and the largest ever constructed. The force from one cannon on the Virginia was such that only one cannon could be fired at a time or the ship risked rolling over. As a result, it only took 8 shots from the Virginia to put the Cayman Fleet to the bottom of the ocean
T.N.S. Virginia
Photography by: Killy Photography